
Here is a curated list of the most active/relevant projects on GitHub


Create dotnet MQTT applications compatible with any MQTT Cloud provider, such as Azure IoT, AWS IoT Core, Hive MQ or Mosquitto. Based on dotnet/MQTTnet.


A web client application -no service code required-, to connect to a MQTT broker using websockets, and provide a dynamic UI by parsing the model.

Azure IoT Hub Web Client

Based on the Paho MQTT JS client for web sockets, this web client allows to simulate an IoTHub device, sending telemetry, reading/writing properties, and respond to command requests.

It allows to connect using Shared Access Keys, and DPS.

MSIX Catalog

WPF application, distributed as a .NET Core 3.1 global tool, to inspect MSIX/APPX applications deployed in Windows 10/11